Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hraahil's Trip with Sam

Dear Miss Clark,

Sam travelled with my family to Hanmer Spring on the weekend. We went mini golfing and swimming in the hot water pools. We had lots of fun together with Sam.

Thank you, 


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Daniel and Frank

Hi miss Clark,

I and Frank had fun together. I know who is the next person to have Frank.

From: Daniel Melo 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ana's weekend with Teddy Sam

Hi Emma,

Just to keep you posted, Ana and her family took Sam out for a brunch at the a local cafe over the Weekend. Sam was great companion and enjoyed her 
time with us, especially the marshmallows and gingerbread man. 
Ana also mentioned that Sam had caught a cold and so she took extra care of her by keeping warm and cozy.

Hope you had a good Weekend and see you at school, bye from Ana and the family.   

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